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File System

You can access the file system directly using the fs object, which is a wrapper around fs-extra:

module.exports = {
run: async () => {
const myFile = await fs.readFile('./somefile.txt')

Additionally, Gushio provides fs.glob, a promisified version of glob:

module.exports = {
run: async () => {
const matches = await fs.glob('myPath/*.txt')

Also, instead of importing path you can simply access fs.path.


If you need to refer to files relative to your script location, you can use the global variables __filename (the absolute path of your script) and __dirname (the absolute path of the directory containing your script). These values are available in both CJS and ESM scripts.


When a script is run from a remote url these two variables will assume the values __filename = '' and __dirname = '.'.