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Version: 0.7.4

Running a script

To run a Gushio script pass the script to the gushio executable. If your script needs arguments and/or options, you can pass them after the script path.

gushio path/to/script_file.js arg1 arg2 --option1 foo --option2 bar baz bau

You can also run remote scripts directly: if the script path is a URL, the gushio executable automatically retrieves the remote code before running it.

On Linux and macOS you can also run the script directly:

  1. Add the shabang to the script (#!/usr/bin/gushio or #!/usr/bin/env gushio)
  2. Make the script executable
    chmod +x path/to/script_file.js
  3. Run the script
    path/to/script_file.js arg1 arg2 --option1 foo --option2 bar baz bau

Gushio flags

Gushio can receive options before the script argument. The following options are available:

  • -v, --verbose enable verbose logging (also available by setting GUSHIO_VERBOSE environment variable).
  • --trace enable instruction tracing (also available by setting GUSHIO_TRACE environment variable).
  • -f <folder>, --gushio-folder <folder> change gushio cache folder (also available by setting GUSHIO_FOLDER environment variable). The default value is the .gushio folder in the user home directory.
  • -c, --clean-run clear gushio cache folder before running the script (dependencies will be re-downloaded).